Eyecare Services

image of woman doing an eye test.

At La Grange Eye Care, Dr. Pamela Solly and our entire La Grange optometry team are committed to providing advanced vision care in a professional and comfortable environment. As an optometrist in La Grange, our primary eye care service includes a complete eye exam that analyzes eye health and vision function. In addition to eye exams and vision testing, Dr. Solly and our team of optometry professionals provide testing for glaucoma, cataracts and macular degeneration. Our La Grange optometrist also offers glasses, contact lenses, and pre- and post-operative care

Eye Exams

Dr. Solly and the La Grange Eye Care team take even the most routine eye exams very seriously. During a yearly or bi-yearly examination, our La Grange patients will receive a patient history review, a series of vision and eye tests, assessments of eye focusing and movement, and an eye health evaluation. Our optometrist will discuss any additional testing that may be required to diagnose an eye disease or condition. Call us a today at (979) 639-5104 to schedule an appointment.

Contact Lenses

Not sure that glasses are for you? Ask our La Grange staff about contact lenses. Advances in the field of optometry have produced a variety of different types of contact lenses with a range of benefits. Rigid gas-permeable (RGP), daily-wear soft, extended-wear, extended-wear disposable, and planned replacement are the various types of contact lens options available today. Our La Grange optometrist will discuss the various options with you to determine which type will best fit your needs and lifestyle. Schedule your examination today by calling (979) 639-5104. There are many advantages to consider when determining if contact lenses are right for you and our knowledgeable staff is here to answer any questions.

Dry Eye

Dry eye occurs when there is a problem with the basal tears. Basal tears are not like emotional tears, which are comprised of oil, water, and mucus. The oil helps prevent the tears from drying too quickly on the surface of the eye. The watery layer helps the tears spread evenly over the eyes, and the mucus layer combines with the watery layer to help ensure eye hydration. If any of these layers are deficient, symptoms of dry eye can develop.


Before you receive contacts, Dr. Solly at La Grange Eye Care will conduct an exam to determine the prescription of your contacts. You'll find all the information you need to know about your prescription is on one side of your contact boxes. For instance, the prescription will include the power of your lenses -- a number that could range between 20.00 and -20.00, but some contact brands don't offer that range of powers. Your prescription may also have other readings as well, such as spherical (SPH) and cylindrical (CYL).

Sports Vision

Sports vision testing helps athletes determine how well their eyes perform. These tests go beyond standard eye tests that only evaluate the ability to see letters and objects clearly on a standard eye chart. Sports vision testing takes eyesight evaluation one step further, which is vital to overall athletic training as well as specifically enhancing visual function.


Many people are cheered by a bright, sunny day, but the effect of all that sunlight on the eyes is a less sunny proposition. UV and glare can create a variety of issues, from dangerous "snowblindness" to irreversible disorders that threaten your eyesight. Here are some frequently asked questions about the role of sunglasses in protecting the eyes from harm. If you want to know more about choosing the right sunglasses, call Dr. Solly at (979) 639-5104 today.

Hours of Operation


8:00 am - 5:00 pm


8:00 am - 5:00 pm


8:00 am - 12:00 pm


10:00 am - 7:00 pm


8:00 am - 5:00 pm


By Appointment Only



8:00 am - 5:00 pm
8:00 am - 5:00 pm
8:00 am - 12:00 pm
10:00 am - 7:00 pm
8:00 am - 5:00 pm
By Appointment Only


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